Have you ever noticed that most of the homeschool resources out there are worksheets? It seems like everywhere you turn there’s a worksheet for this or a worksheet for that. When you are homeschooling preschoolers, they are just barely beginning to learn read and write! So why spend so much time on worksheets that could be tedious and probably aren’t going to be very effective? If you are looking to have less paper in your homeschool, or just trying something a little different, here my tips about how to homeschool preschoolers without worksheets.
Look for Hands-On Activities
Hands-on activities are going to be more effective with preschoolers than any worksheet will be. Many preschoolers won’t have the attention span for worksheets, and many of the skills they need to learn can be done with hands-on activities instead. Look for activities that incorporate the skills you are trying to teach instead of pulling out a worksheet. Being able to feel and play with the letters will have a much better impact than a worksheet would. I love using file folder games and sensory activities.
Take Field Trips
Part of the fun of homeschooling is that you can take your classroom anywhere you’d like! You can use museums and even nature to step in and be the teacher for an afternoon. Instead of turning to a worksheet, have a discussion about what you’re looking at and how these concepts tie into your lesson plan. Here are some great field trip ideas:
- Aquarium
- Zoo
- Natural Science Center
- Museums
- Hiking Trails (for outdoor lessons)
- Farm or Orchard
- Fire Station
- Grocery Store
- Planetarium
- Wildlife Sanctuary
- Petting Zoo
Use Technology
Even your preschoolers can enjoy the benefits of using technology. Videos, online games, and other activities can make learning more fun and your kids won’t even realize they’re learning! Look for ways to use technology to incorporate some of your children’s schooling. For example, if your child loves video games, look for a game that can help teach them to spell or identify words. It will be educational and more fun than a boring worksheet.
Get Creative!
Using your creativity, you can help your preschooler learn many of the concepts they’ll need and allow them to get creative in your homeschool classroom. Incorporate crafts for your kids to do during your lesson plans, or even create your own board game for them to play. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box to make learning more fun!
You don’t have to have a bunch of worksheets in order to have a successful homeschool classroom. It might take a little more planning and effort, but you can create a fun preschool classroom without worksheets.
What are your favorite preschool activities? Let me know in the comments!